The Bridal Shower
* May 3rd, 2003*
Christine, Glenn's sister and bridesmaid, threw the best and most beautiful shower for me. She has a heart of gold and went all out for the special event. Thank you Christine for not only being Glenn's sister, but my sister too! I love you and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you so much again and I want everyone to know how big a heart you have and how special you are to Glenn and I.
The living room was filled with purple and silver balloons and streamers on the wall. Christine sewed lilac tablecloths for all the tables in the room. There were vases filled with white and mauve daisies. On the tables were clear votives with pink candles and purple votives with lavender candles. The room was exceptionally beautiful.
Christine made a "Marina quiz" for everyone to fill out. Everyone had lots of fun writing the answers (or what they thought might be the answers). The winner was Marsha Baxter, followed by Gloria Chin and Eleanor Villavera. The top three won bingo lottery tickets. If you want to try the questions yourself, click here.
The Party
Christine made a wishing well, into which everyone had to place one small gift. Marina got everything from a potato scrubber to measuring cups. There was lots of food served at the party from hot dog rolls to jalapeno peppers. It was fantastic! After the meal, Marina worked her way through the dozens of gifts that filled the Baxter's living room. At the end of the party, Christine gave out bonbonnieres to everyone (flower pots with a bag of dirt and flower seeds). The pots were inscribed with the same quote as the one found on the invitation.